


In partnership with the Center for Financial Independence and Innovation, Tools for Life provides supports for people with disabilities to acquire necessary assistive technology and supports. Credit-Able is the Alternative Financing Program for Georgia, this program provides small, low interest loans for assistive technology and provides financial education services to build knowledge and move toward independence.


Dollars and Sense

Dollars and Sense is a resource for finding answers and resources within Georgia to support people of all ages and disabilities to increase their independence- whether through finding an affordable hearing aid or seeking supports for children with disabilities.  


Assistive Technology Reuse

Reuse of Assistive Technology is one avenue people can pursue to affordably acquire assistive technology and durable medical equipment. Tools for Life houses the Pass It On Center, a national resource for finding locations that focus on assistive technology reuse as well as best practices in reuse. Organizations listed seek to provide equipment to people at low or no cost.  


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